Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Car Wreck Composite

Here's some more compositing practice. There are too many photos to put up that I referenced from, but these are the ones I started with.


Howard Cheng said...

This one looks so real...and that's my car:P, except mine is black.
Is this a class project? Which class is it? It's interesting.
Nice work~!

jenfuj said...

haha, how funny! that's my mom's car. it's not for a class, just for fun. thanks so much!

Howard Cheng said...

Oh, dang...
You did that on your own...
I hope i can do somthing like that too. It's very cool~!
How long did it take?

EricWu said...

Wow that looks like one crazy accident.
Nice job! If you hadn't said that it was a composite I would think it was a real picture.

BrandoAbba said...

I'm really liking these compositing pieces you're doing! It inspires me to try it out! I wanna see more