Thursday, June 19, 2008

Character Painting FIN

Here's the finished painting of the cowboy. He's changed a little from his original design, but I think it was for the better. I tried to be "looser" with this one, in terms of my execution, because I didn't like how stiff my environment painting turned out. Any comments/feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

looks great! couple of things i see. his left hand is slightly blurry, making it difficult to see what he is holding (i realize it's a gun). the chair on the floor looks small compared to him.

jenfuj said...

Mmmmm, excellent point. I'll try and fix it and re-post! :) Thank you very much!

EricWu said...

what happened to the robotic arm????

Anyways I like the lighting so far and the clothing folds are really good, but one thing I would suggest is to make the dark side of his grayish-blue vest brighter to separate it from the background.

jenfuj said...

haha, i decided the arm would've been kind of random, so i stuck with just a normal hand. Thanks for the feedback, I'll be adjusting this weekend and re-post. Hope yours is going well too!